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Reuleaux Is the Center


Three circles representing three worlds:

Creators · Audiences · Experiences
When they form a union of resonant interplay it’s magical.
We feel this magic. We’re transported and captivated. We want to live in this space, to share it and return to it again & again.

This radiant convergence is a Reuleaux triangle.

With its dynamic harmony, a Reuleaux triangle embodies the potential promise of experiential productions.

Not all experiences achieve this ideal.

Sometimes creators design a stunning experience, but don’t fully know who it is for.

Sometimes the design has robust and clear intentionality, but doesn't reach its audience.

Sometimes the intended audience gathers, but the experience falls flat.

Reuleaux was founded to cultivate exceptional experiences, to inspire and deliver that Reuleaux-triangle-magic.

Come meet me in the center…




LAURA HESS is a writer and experience design strategist for immersive and interactive mediums, with projects ranging across theatre, installation art, film, VR, and experiential marketing. Clients include Impact Museums, color+light, Independent Shakespeare Co., Hong Kong Times Square, Banana Republic, Patrón, Virgin America, Silkroad, Shella Films, and more.

Laura draws from her deep background across disciplines to design new vocabularies for emerging mediums. Her work considers the impact of business models and consumer UX alongside the narrative experience.

In addition to founding Reuleaux, she's a founding member of the World Experience Organization, No Proscenium's arts editor & a contributing writer for XP Land.

After completing a Master of Science in Leadership for Creative Enterprises at Northwestern University, she has no plans for another degree with a longer title.






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